Learning is the key
No individual or organisational change happens without people learning. Some of this is quite practical but, in a chaotic world, much now needs to go far deeper. This is what Self Managed Learning (SML) delivers. People need to learn to think and work in new ways, to unearth assumptions, to release preconceptions and past ‘truths’, to focus on what might be ‘possible’ and let go of what they think should be ‘likely’. Above all, they need to be able to drive the learning for themselves.
That kind of learning is complex –and it can’t be gained in the classroom. Learning needs to be located in the real opportunities of the organisation and in the actual relationships and concerns of the people who work in it. It requires a strategic approach to development and therefore we support our clients in the following ways:

Leadership Development
We are widely acknowledged for providing impactful leadership development through our unique results-oriented SML framework. We put each leader at the centre of their own learning, requiring them to take full strategic responsibility for turning the learning they choose into real action. There is nowhere to hide and within the psychologically safe/inclusive space we create, there is no desire or need to hide. We support each person to take a holistic, deep view of themselves and the context of the organisation in which they reside. Leaders learn ‘how to learn’ more effectively and how to support and challenge others in their learning through open, sincere dialogue.
In this way, SML creates alignment between individual and business aims, real change in behaviours and mindsets and increased levels of transparency and collaborative working across functional divides. The resulting greater level of social capital, residing as it does in the relationships between people, quite simply a) makes the organisation a better place to be and b) positively hits the bottom line.

Team Development
People need to be effective in a changing landscape of team-working situations. Team memberships can be transitory; ways of working need to be flexed; a team’s priorities can be in constant flux and, overnight, the team itself may no longer be required. ‘Team building’, as a static metaphor, is less helpful in this maelstrom of unpredictability. We assist people to develop team working capabilities that include how to: create high levels of trust and a psychologically safe space; develop the courage to be open and vulnerable; explore critically what needs to change and hold one another to account to get the job done.
Team relationships are of course critical and yet a focus only on the team dynamic can result in a team that enjoys positive relationships but does not deliver against stakeholder expectations. Every team operates within a wider system and network of expectations and interests, so paying attention to context and relationships outside the team is essential for success. By encouraging teams to pay attention to the wider system, they have the opportunity to add more value.

Individual Development
Organisations need people who are engaged, willingly bringing their authentic and vital energy to the purpose and aims of the business. The right culture and leadership support are vital and for some, individual, one to one development can be the enabler that makes all the difference. We work at all organisational levels, though we have particular expertise in coaching and mentoring senior leaders.
Coaching is a deeply personal journey, a voyage of self-discovery and growth that is unique to each person. It fosters self-awareness, builds confidence and empowers the individual to make choices that align with their true self. Embarking on this journey, each person will have the opportunity to explore their values, strengths and aspirations in a safe and supportive environment. We walk beside each client, assisting them to take a strategic and holistic view of their situation as they set and pursue their goals, helping them navigate the challenges along the way. Ultimately, coaching is an expedition of self-discovery and personal growth that can lead to transformative and lasting change.