Our team members include authors and co-authors of numerous books on self managed learning and leadership development

Developing Leaders for Real: Proven Approaches That Deliver Impact
Harry Gray, Anne Gimson & Ian Cunningham (2022)

Self Managed Learning and the New Education Paradigm
Ian Cunningham (2021)

The Modelling Tutorial: 17 Essays On How Experience Works
David Gordon & Graham Dawes (2017)

Expanding Your World
David Gordon & Graham Dawes (2005)

Handbook of Work Based Learning
Ian Cunningham, Graham Dawes & Ben Bennett (2004)

The Coaching Skill-Builder Activity Pack
Ian Cunningham & Graham Dawes (2001)

Self Managed Learning in Action – Putting SML Into Practice
Ian Cunningham, Ben Bennett & Graham Dawes (2000)

The Wisdom of Strategic Learning: The Self Managed Learning Solution
2nd edition - Ian Cunningham (1999)