Strategic Developments International

Learning is the key

There is no change without learning and in a chaotic world, learning must be located in the real opportunities and challenges facing your organisation. Leadership development must be inclusive and transformational, focussing on the actual working relationships of the leaders and the people working in their teams. Enabling curiosity, courage and passion for results requires a holistic, human-centred and Strategic approach to Development. 

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Leadership Development

Leadership Development

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Maximising leader impact through Self Managed Learning - developing courage, curiosity and authenticity
Individual Development

Team Development

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Enabling teams to create value through developing trust, clarity and quality stakeholder relationships
Team Development - Planting and nourishing a sapling

Individual Development

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Liberating individual potential through providing holistic, compassionate and integrative coaching

Developing Leaders for Real: Proven Approaches That Deliver Impact

Harry Gray, Anne Gimson & Ian Cunningham (2022)

“An essential read for anyone – academic or practitioner – interested in making leadership development the game changer that the world needs it to be if we are to tackle the world’s problems more effectively.’”

Jean-François Manzoni, Professor of Leadership & Organizational Development and President, IMD

Helped open up their minds to new ideas and concepts …

“Having the space to share confidentially and to develop trust and support with colleagues in similar positions was highly valued by all participants. Being able to open up personally had helped them to open up their minds to new ideas and concepts that previously they had been unable (and perhaps to some extent unwilling) to understand. Other stakeholders involved in the [leadership development] project noted a change in attitude and behaviour as the participants’ confidence and enthusiasm developed. There was general agreement that [interviewed] respondents had witnessed rapid change over the 12 months.”

Independent evaluation of SML in-house programme for senior public sector leaders

Our work together helped me deliver significant improvements in business growth …

“With Anne as my executive coach, I more effectively and speedily made the transition into the role of Managing Director. She challenged and supported me to radically change my leadership focus from operational to strategic, enabling me to thrive in my new role and become an even better leader. She asks excellent questions, provides candid feedback, offers insightful tools when appropriate and ensures I hold myself to account. Her support helped me work through critical issues and opportunities. I have no doubt our work together helped me deliver significant improvements in business growth and prepared me so I was able to recently conclude a complicated acquisition. Our work together has been transformational.”

Malcolm Atkinson, Managing Director, Alfaplas

Creating an environment where people change and do better …

“SDI’s leadership development designs are based on validated science. Anne’s programs come to life through her approachable style, exceptional experience and appropriate use of coaching. Anne has no qualms in asking challenging or difficult questions and really makes her participants reflect – facing the real issues and coming up with solutions. Her super-power is undoubtedly insight – at the individual, team and systemic levels – combined with the ability to challenge respectfully and support empathically – all the while creating an environment where people change and do better. She epitomizes the concept of creating psychological safety and has been doing so long before it became a buzzword.”

Tania Hector, Global Head of L&D, Nestle

I cannot thank Anne enough; she has helped me turn my business and life around …

“I have called on Anne for support several times over the past few years, focusing on personal development to help me grow within my own organisation and in turn strengthen my team. I was considering a change in my career path and she helped me figure out that ‘my stuff/me’ was of course seeping its way into my work life whereas I had seen them as separate. I needed a deeper understanding of what was driving some of the decisions I made. With Anne’s questions and coaching, I have had several ‘aha’ moments. I have been able to think differently and through that shift in my thinking, able to make alternative choices and act differently. I cannot thank Anne enough she has helped me turn my business and life around and I will always be eternally grateful.”

Linda Jones, Managing Director, APT-ICC

Few  leadership development experiences have stayed with me as long or as effectively …

“Few  leadership development experiences have stayed with me as long or as effectively as the SML programme. The personal challenge and self-awareness set in the context of working with others provide great tools for effective leadership. In the Civil Service as in many established organisations, cultural change can be challenging or even threatening. SML helped me understand that better and work with it instead of fighting it – much more effective!”

Liz Williams, Senior Civil Servant, Welsh Assembly Government